GESEA4EU x ENTOG: Revolutionising Gynaecological Endoscopy Training Across Europe

GESEA4EU x ENTOG: Revolutionising Gynaecological Endoscopy Training Across Europe

22nd September 2023

22 September 2023 | On 22 September 2023, Dr. Serena Guerra represented GESEA4EU at the ENTOG Scientific Council. ENTOG, the European Network of Trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, is renowned for its commitment to setting the highest standards of training and fostering international exchange among European trainees.

With representatives from 35 member countries, ENTOG works in close partnership with the European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) to ensure the pinnacle of care for women in Europe. Their collective mission? To elevate training standards to unparalleled heights.

The rendezvous began with the ENTOG Exchange UK 2023, a dynamic event that brought together UK trainees and specialists with counterparts from all corners of Europe. From the bustling hospitals of England, Scotland, and Wales, participants delved into immersive experiences, setting the stage for the climax event, the ENTOG Scientific Council.

Through Dr. Guerra’s involvement, GESEA4EU Project could engage with over 100 passionate Obstetrics and Gynaecology trainees from across Europe. The outcome exceeded all expectations. A resounding call emerged from this vibrant assembly, advocating for a comprehensive update of gynaecological endoscopy training curricula. Their aim? To align with the soaring demand for minimally invasive surgical procedures.

Dr. Guerra believes that “Simulation-based training offers a simple, ethical and reproducible solution to drive such a change”.

As this collaborative effort gains momentum, the vision of GESEA4EU vision is clear: to implement these refined standards throughout Europe.

Stay tuned for more updates on this transformative venture.

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