GESEA4EU | Basic laparoscopy & hysteroscopy workshop | Oldenburg - Germany

21st November 2024
  • Partner/Organiser

    Clinic for Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecological Oncology, University Clinic for Gynecology, Pius-Hospital

  • Description

    DATE: 21 – 22 November 2024

    GESEA4EU Course Description:
    A Training and Education Workshop on minimal-access surgery designed to provide young gynaecological residents, medical students and general medical practitioners with basic laparoscopy- and hysteroscopic knowledge and psychomotor skills. Complementary e-Learning modules will highlight the current technical evolutions and the types of treatments that can be performed through endoscopic surgery.

    CONTACT: (course is fully booked)
    For registration and further information please contact:

    LOCATION: Pius-Hospital Oldenburg, Conference room 1st Floor, Main entrance (B-Flüge), Georgstraße 12, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany

GESEA4EU pius logo
  • Contact Number

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